The Global Coalition Working to Defeat Persecution and
Violence in Nigeria, including representatives of the Baptist World Alliance
(BWI), the 21st Century Wilberforce Initiative (21Wilberforce) and the newly
formed International Committee on Nigeria (ICON), decided to petition Congress
for the new post after hosting a meeting with Nigerian governors and others
Feb. 27-28 at BWI headquarters in Falls Church, Va.
The U.S. State Department currently operates an Office of
International Religious Freedom, headed since Feb. 1 by U.S.
Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom Sam Brownback, as well
as an embassy and consulate in Nigeria.
"But there's been no sort of special coordinator, no
individual that's taken up the cause or mantel of addressing specifically the
Boko Haram and the Fulani pastoralist militia," ICON Director Kyle Abts
told BP today.
Joining the coalition at the February meeting were
Adeniyi Ojutiku, a North Carolina Southern Baptist working to help his Nigerian
homeland through the Lift Up Now grassroots group. Also in attendance were
several governors from Nigeria's Middle Belt, the Church of the Brethren,
International Christian Concern, Doctors Without Borders and other groups.
Boko Haram terrorists and a militant group of Fulani
herdsmen have reportedly strengthened in Nigeria's Middle Belt in recent
months, more than two years after Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari declared
a technical defeat of Boko Haram.
Texas native Elijah Brown, BWI general secretary since
Jan. 1, said Nigeria is at a critical human rights juncture that could affect
the entire continent of Africa with global consequences. The longstanding
dispute between Muslim Fulani herdsmen and Christian farmers can no longer be
viewed simplistically, Brown told BP.
"I believe that the violence sweeping through
Nigeria is no longer best understood through an analysis of farmer-herder
conflict," he said, recapping an address he made at the coalition meeting.
"With thousands of individuals killed, entire communities burned to the
ground, famine-inducing conditions inflicted upon entire populations, and the
use of helicopters, machine guns mounted to vehicles and sophisticated weapons,
this conflict has morphed into one of militant attack.
"Predominantly Christian communities currently
account for over 85 percent of the victims," Brown said. "With
ongoing discrimination against religious minority communities across northern
Nigeria, Boko Haram to the northeast, and Fulani militancy in the Middle Belt,
Nigeria is the only country in the world to be currently facing two of the top
five most lethal terrorist organizations, and Christians, including some
Baptists, are caught in the crossfire."
Within the next month, the coalition will seek a
Congressional hearing and request the new post, Abts said. ICON promotes itself
as a diverse "group of committed Nigerians and other nationalities joining
forces, resources, and voices" to strengthen oppressed and minority groups
in Nigeria.
In most recent waves of violence, Fulani herdsmen have
been blamed for killing at least 170 Christians in attacks on villages and
towns in Nigeria's Middle Belt in January, according to reports. Nigeria's
military has launched a six-week offensive to combat the violence that has
increased in conjunction with several new local anti-grazing laws meant to
protect the farmers.
In February, Boko Haram terrorists kidnapped as many as
101 Nigerian schoolgirls who remain missing, mirroring the terrorists'
kidnapping of more than 300 schoolgirls in 2014 from a school in the Christian
town of Chibok.
Buhari claimed in December 2015 he had technically
defeated Boko Haram, weakening the group so much that it would only be able to
carry out isolated suicide bombings.
Boko Haram, which began attacking first Christians and
then others in its attempts to establish Sharia law in Nigeria, has killed an
estimated 20,000 people and displaced 2 million in Nigeria and neighboring
nations since 2009. The terrorists have claimed allegiance to the Islamic State
and have been accused of killing Christian farmers increasingly in raids since
2017 in cooperation with or under the guise of Fulani herdsmen.